Tag: Documentary
Documentary Gives "Insider" Insight into Second Life Phenomena
March 18, 2007
A couple weeks ago, I began working with a gentleman named Douglas Gayeton on a new social network for a mutual client in New York. The first day I worked with Douglas, he immediately began providing valuable insight and guidance to the team. His personality is a force of nature, and both the client and I knew immediately we had the right guy leading this project.
When Douglas came to our Vancouver offices last week, I learned that he devoted 6 months of his life in 2006 emerged in a Second Life developing an "In World" documentary of Second life. The first chapter of the documentary reached number 1 on YouTube last week. The documentary also has been accepted to the Hot Docs in Toronto and the Tribeca NY film festivals.
The first chapter is fascinating. Once you see it, you will see how unique this doc is. I asked Douglas for the other episodes, but I have to wait, too. Go check it out.
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